Station Name Vostok | IAGA Code VOS | Geodetic Latitude [deg] -78.450 | Geodetic Longitude [deg] 106.867 | Elevation [m] 3500 | # This data file is part of the IPGP monthly means database. | # Data last verified by the observatory: | # Conditions of use: these data are for scientific/academic use. | TIME X Y Z L M R 2015.042 -7576 -11316 -57772 2 1 2 2015.123 -7577 -11316 -57775 2 1 2 2015.204 -7587 -11308 -57798 2 1 2 2015.288 -7592 -11301 -57804 2 1 2 2015.371 -7597 -11294 -57801 2 1 2 2015.455 -7602 -11291 -57814 2 1 2 2015.538 -7604 -11296 -57813 2 1 2 2015.623 -7609 -11294 -57817 2 1 2 2015.707 -7608 -11295 -57810 2 1 2 2015.790 -7607 -11294 -57804 2 1 2 2015.874 -7614 -11296 -57780 2 1 2 2015.958 -7613 -11294 -57767 2 1 2