Station Name Gan | IAGA Code GAN | Geodetic Latitude [deg] -0.690 | Geodetic Longitude [deg] 73.150 | Elevation [m] 2 | # This data file is part of the IPGP monthly means database. | # Data last verified by the observatory: | # Conditions of use: these data are for scientific/academic use. | TIME X Y Z L M R 2012.042 37478 -2987 -13288 2 1 2 2012.124 37473 -2981 -13279 2 2 2 2012.206 37463 -2976 -13273 2 1 2 2012.290 37485 -2973 -13264 2 1 2 2012.373 37504 -2965 -13264 2 1 2 2012.456 37498 -2973 -13259 2 1 2 2012.540 37490 -2962 -13251 2 1 2 2012.624 37515 -2960 -13244 2 1 2 2012.708 37514 -2953 -13240 2 2 2 2012.791 37528 -2950 -13240 2 2 2 2012.874 37525 -2948 -13232 2 1 2 2012.958 37545 -2958 -13215 2 1 2 2013.042 37552 -2944 -13227 2 2 2 2013.123 37561 -2941 -13214 2 3 2 2013.204 37546 -2934 -13214 2 1 2 2013.288 37561 -2930 -13208 2 1 2 2013.371 37555 -2925 -13204 2 1 2 2013.455 37552 -2919 -13201 2 1 2 2013.538 37559 -2917 -13197 2 2 2 2013.623 37574 -2912 -13191 2 1 2 2013.707 37589 -2908 -13187 2 1 2 2013.790 37584 -2903 -13184 2 1 2 2013.874 37590 -2898 -13181 2 2 2 2013.958 37598 -2896 -13178 2 1 2