Station Name Arti | IAGA Code ARS | Geodetic Latitude [deg] 56.433 | Geodetic Longitude [deg] 58.567 | Elevation [m] 290 | # This data file is part of the IPGP monthly means database. | # Data last verified by the observatory: | # Conditions of use: these data are for scientific/academic use. | TIME X Y Z L M R 2014.042 15682 3695 53823 2 1 2 2014.123 15673 3700 53827 2 1 2 2014.204 15679 3697 53832 2 1 2 2014.288 15675 3700 53836 2 1 2 2014.371 15679 3700 53838 2 1 2 2014.455 15680 3702 53840 2 1 2 2014.538 15680 3702 53841 2 1 2 2014.623 15670 3705 53850 2 1 2 2014.707 15659 3707 53858 2 1 2 2014.790 15654 3709 53865 2 1 2 2014.874 15653 3709 53871 2 1 2 2014.958 15649 3712 53876 2 2 2